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We represent individual and institutional investors who have suffered financial losses as a result of investment fraud, federal securities law violations, Ponzi schemes, broker misconduct, unsuitable investment recommendations, and abusive practices by financial institutions.

We have the expertise to tailor our representation of clients to their specific needs. Depending on the circumstances of each particular matter, we may represent clients in class actions, derivative actions, group cases, or individually. We prosecute cases on our clients’ behalf, in federal or state court or FINRA arbitration, against members of the financial industry nationwide.

We have helped thousands of investors, as well as municipalities and charities, that have suffered substantial losses because of questionable investment advice, misconduct, securities law violations, and fraudulent investment practices or products. We have experience prosecuting international cases and have had a considerable number of clients around the world.

securities fraud in the news

Despite Rule Change, FINRA’s BrokerCheck Tags No ‘Restricted’ Firms?

A Burt Marshall victim tries a new strategy to recover his money. Will others join him?

Berkshire Bank Sued For Customer’s Alleged $90M Ponzi


Yes. Please call us or use our contact form to request a Free Case Evaluation. We have a national team of attorneys and staff who look forward to speaking with you.

Typically, we represent clients on contingency fee agreements. If we take your case under a contingency fee arrangement, you won’t owe our firm any legal fees unless we are able to recover money for you.

Our contingency fee agreements are usually based on a percentage of the amount we recover for our clients. The contingency fee amount is determined by the type of case, our estimate of how long it will take to resolve your case, and our estimate of the litigation costs we will advance in your case. Each engagement agreement includes the details of the fee arrangement. Questions about our fee agreements are welcomed and encouraged.

In most litigation matters, it is extremely difficult – practically impossible – to predict how long it will take to resolve a particular case. Every case is different, and we will do our best to provide you with an estimate based on your case and our experience with similar cases. Moreover, we will do our best to keep you updated and manage expectations along the way.


We handle cases that change lives. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

Practice Chairs
Attorney Joe Peiffer
Founding Partner